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An event report of selling 2nd Babylon.js recipe book on a technical books showcase

A large technical book showcase event started since yesterday in Japan. In this event, BJS study group in Japan has published a new recipe book Vol.2.

Everyone can purchase it via online and a physical exhibition hall (only one day).

We also exhibited our books on one day event hall because finally event regulations in Japan has been ended since May 8th.

In this article, I'll report contents of our second recipe book and scenery of physical hall in this event.

1. 14th technical books showcase event

Original site is here.

Here is my explanation.

In this event, a lot of developer, designer, and planners sell their tips and technology as books. The event has been held since 2016. It is 13th event and adapts hybrid type as online and onsite.

See my previous post in detail.
How we published a new Babylon.js recipe book Vol. 1 - CrossRoad

The event has been organized 14 times in the past.

It has two types of market.

Online market : 5/20~6/4 (JST)
Onsite market : 5/21 (JST)

These are onsite hall pictures. Organizers estimates 2,500 attendees will gathers in the hall. About 300 booths were exhibited at the same day.

Posters in the hall
The event's posters

A picture in the hall
A picture in the hall

Our booth Our Babylon.js community booth

2. Our 2nd Babylon.js recipe book

We published "Babylon.js recipe book Vol.2". The book contains latest BJS v6.0 feature, hot words "ChatGPT", hardware collaboration trial, WebXR and so on.

Great seven BJS lover and me wrote 8 chapters. I'm also in charge of editing leader.

"()" is author's twitter name.

Chap. 1 Easy Babylon.js step with ChatGPT ( @cx20 )
Chap. 2 A digital twin trial with IoT and Babylon.js ( @_0447222690292 )
Chap. 3 A future possibility of 3DCG on browsers ver 2 ( @Ykoba791 )
Chap. 4 A piano playing synchronization between real and virtual ( @turamy3D )
Chap. 5 Easy Babylon.js implementation with Glitch ( @N1809031125 )
Chap. 6 How to use my shader artwork as background image provided by Node Material Editor ( @ninisan_drumath )
Chap. 7 Try to show your layout made by Figma on Babylon.js ( @limes2018 )
Chap. 8 Wow! we can use Havok on Babylon.js! ( @akai_inu )

One more important thing is cover of the book. @chomado kindly drew the cute cover for the book in this time.

3. Our achievements

3.1 Fifty physical books has been sold within a few hours

We prepared fifty books in the event. We could successfully sell all of them within a few hours.

All books prepared were sold out

"完売" means "sold out".

@_0447222690292 and @ninisan_drumath sold them as salespersons at the day.

We can also sell e-paper books until June 4th.

3.2 Reproduce our booth on Babylon.js Playground.

@cx20 , @Ykoba791 and other members made it! You can see the physical hall image and booth scene.

Reproduced the event hall layout on Babylon.js Playground

The light smoking is our booth.

We also discuss our booth layout on Playground (as a joke).

Reproduced our booth on Babylon.js Playground

The PG also contributed as promotion in our physical booth today.

4. Conclusion

We all authors are very glad to publish the 2nd BJS recipe book from our community. Through this event, some of them could meet each other at first time. (During COVID-19, we communicated with each other only on Discord)

Stay tuned of our further activities!